The Magician's Nephew

I am sure that when I was young I read through this series. I intended to read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe before going to see the movie, but that didn't work out too well. We gave Daniel a book about Narnia, mostly pictures and descriptions of the creatures and characters, and he was very interested. Suzy gave me the set for Christmas and so I decided to read the first in the series to see if it would be appropriate for Daniel to read.
So far, so good. It has been so long since I read any of the books it is certainly like reading them for the first time. The Magician's Nephew starts the series much as the Bible starts, with the story of creation. We are introduced to Aslan, Digory, Polly, the Witch, and the land of Narnia. C.S. Lewis does a great job creating his vision of Creation. His characters are compelling and interesting, and the visualization of the Creation story is very well done. I even had a 'laugh out loud' moment in reading last night.
I am still a little leery of reading it to Daniel, not because of content, but I don't know if it will hold his interest. One way to find out, right?