Well, I took a chance and decided to read
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to Daniel. This isn't on par with the first time I will watch the Star Wars movies with him, but it is up there. He had just turned four when I brought it up to him, and he seemed pretty excited. So that night I brought in the book and we layed down to read. The chapters are a pretty good length for him, long enough to cover some good material, but not too long that finding a stopping point becomes problematic. We read about three chapters that first night, and he really seemed to enjoy it. There were some parts that he didn't really follow, so we took some breaks for explanations, but overall I felt like he 'got it'. We also try to read for a while to him before he takes his nap in the afternoon, Suzy reads at nap and I read at night. Well the next day when I found out she read the chapter about meeting the White Witch it really got me. I didn't want to miss out on anything. Suzy quickly realized my craziness, and she made sure to not read any of it to Daniel without me around. It took us less than a week to crank through it all, and he was really staying with it. I was a little worried about the battle and fighting scenes (call me crazy since a lot of his classmates already watch the Batman movie, Spiderman, Star Wars, etc.) but he didn't get overly scared. We also had a good talk about the miracle of Aslan coming to life again. It is one of those experiences as a parent that I will always wonder what is going on in his head, what does he think about all of that, does it scare him, does he understand Aslan's sacrifice? Who knows, but I sure enjoyed reading it to him, and hopefully it continued to develop his love for stories and reading. Next up some things that I have read myself
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